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MAY Meditation Challenge!

  • On-Line via Space2Meditate (map)

May Meditation Challenge!
Theme: Meditating with the Mystics
7:00-7:40 AM EST - Monday thru Sunday
and / or
8:00 to 8:30 AM EST - Monday thru Sunday
Noon- EST Monday through Friday
with Jon and Upayadhi and the Space2Meditate Team

What is it?
This is a chance to perhaps re-boot and deepen your meditation practice, or get more support to build a routine by meditating with others.

Who is it for?
Anyone! These are unguided practices, though. For people seeking beginner instruction, Jon and the S2M team will lead intro sessions on Mondays at 6pm. You can also book Jon for 1:1 beginner instruction at any time.

What’s with the theme this time?

Our 8am meditations always includes a poem, a much loved feature of our community. Our 7am meditations have been totally silent since they launched more recently. For the month of Monday, during this special meditation challenge, we will read a “poem” ) at the start of both meditations. It’s a chance to go back (or discover) basic Dharma, and have some continuity for a full month. A little bit like a home retreat. We hope!

How do I join? 
If you are already a member of Space2Meditate, just use the same Zoom link as usual. If you are new to us, we welcome you to join. You can do this for just 30 days and then cancel your membership when the challenge is over. Membership contributions range from $0 to $250 a month, depending on your financial situation and how you prefer to practice mutual support and generosity. Everyone is welcome no matter their ability to contribute financially. Just sign up and you will have access to the link and other resources on the site.

What if I can’t come every day?
We love you anyway (and no one is taking attendance). Just show up when you can and don’t worry about it! You are glorious!

April 27

Finding Joy in the Refuge of Uncertainty

June 11

Insight 101-- Six Week Beginner Course