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Internal, External, Eternal: Being Nature Together (Indiana Retreat)

  • Oakwood Retreat Center 3801 South 575 East Road Selma, IN, 47383 United States (map)

Internal, External, Eternal: Being Nature Together
co-taught with Gullu Singh
offered by Tri-State Dharma

As our meditation practice evolves, we start to see the nature of experience-- internally and externally and our true nature.  Within the Satipatthana Sutta, the refrain continually reminds us to observe phenomena this way.  As wisdom deepens, what is discovered in this investigation?  The sutta implies freedom will be known.

This retreat, held in Noble Silence, will offer an in-depth exploration of this teaching experientially within the Foundations of Mindfulness and beyond to teaching from the later traditions.

Using your inherent wisdom, observe inwardly the mind
and body and outwardly the world. Completely understand both,
as you would look through a pane of glass: from the outside
seeing in and from the inside seeing out. Inwardly, there is no
body and mind, and, outwardly, there is no world. But, although
there is neither body nor mind nor world, the body and mind and the
world function in accord.
From the Platform Sutta
The Sixth Zen Patriarch

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